imitatio Christi need not be religious

Every attempt at preparation fails -- I'm sure it's my fault, but you can't be good at everything, and sometimes being honest and being polite can't squeeze into the same rush hour subway car, one must wait for the next one, and oh no, here comes acutely reflected honesty, that is the worst, shoving everybody aside, failing to bother to thank and honor the tenured theories, unable to explain all the year long twists and turns by which it arrived at itself, but offering so many points to connect that your head spins, wearing weights in the shoes it's asking the reader to walk many miles in, as it counters all the conventional constructs that have become second nature, forcing its way into that car because it can't afford to miss another one, suffering the scowls of all the strap hangers it's squashing up against.... 

....most if not all of the religious, on their side, as well as the non- and anti-religious on their side, will want to wash their hands of this project before they ever get a molecule of it under their nose, lest they catch the killing virus of the enemy position.  It would not occur to the former that I'm only practicing Imitatio Christi -- claiming to represent the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth while crying out -- impossible, there's no such thing! and then giving up the ghost every other paragraph (if you read between the lines).  This practice of Imitatio Christi is what art itself inevitably does when art is not forced to serve ideological ends or conform to non-artistic criteria.  (Such art chooses its own subject matter and uses it as athletic equipment, or as a crutch if a person or society's art has been wounded and can't get up without it.  There's no shame in using a crutch if you need one, there's shame in cutting off your nose to spite your face.  And what art, being a mirror of the human soul, doesn't walk with a heartbeat synchronized, syncopated limp?)  

Whatever your affiliation -- you really can't avoid one, something is keeping the ground that is spinning you upside down seem stable -- you can also be a citizen of the bridge.  You can be art as well as like or make it.  You can pour on that gasoline that makes the ticks of idiotic ideologies (id wearing superego's mask) cling to us and suck our blood withdraw, but then be sure to wash it off, lest you set yourself on fire.  Or set yourself on fire and then dive into this ice cold lake and try to swim to the island way way way out there, and then the next one beyond, and beyond, and beyond, until we're safely on the continent of the next frontier.  Without those ticks, we're strong, and we're free!

okay, the guard's gone for the night,  got my nail file, time to get to work on the tunnel that might just lead back to another cell, my sense of direction is fallible, but maybe I'll find a friend there...and a treasure!

STOP!   STOP!  Stop apologizing and get on with it!

okay okay I just want them to know what they're in for, the sticks, the carrots, the stick made of a carrot, so they can try to bite in whenever it bites, just let me give them a quick taste of it, the stick of this Italian carrot just in from the countryside in the mid-nineteen eighties... see investigating the origins of perspective,  my boring -- though I found, and I guess a few others might find it fascinating -- scholarly research involved thousands of logically linked steps that lead me to an anomalous object that rearranges the world, an object transparent to this journey, just as it crystallizes it.  It's in taking the journey step by step that the object slowly appears, and the whole world is rearranged into a form of life versus a mere agglomeration of chemicals.  The enlivening of everything has global repercussions, but the only way to it is going through it, as you also suffer the death of the deathly one to which they begin attaching us the instant we can speak. I doubt there is a messiah coming other than the lively life of everything.